Postmortem Examination and
Veterolegal Cases

Necropsy of animal carcasses is an important tool in diagnosis of diseases and ultimately their control. It also becomes extremely relevant in addressing veterolegal cases. Therefore, a
veterinarian must have the basic knowledge of the post mortem techniques, recording of lesions, their interpretation, collection of proper sample for laboratory examination, and writing of report.

This Module for a four-day training programme developed and finalized by the experts in the subject emphasizes on the techniques and steps in post mortem examination, gross lesions of
important diseases with illustrations, procedures for collection, preservation and despatch of laboratory materials, report writing and the precautions to be followed by the Veterinarians while conducting the post mortem examination.

1  Introduction 1
2. Techniques of post-mortem examination 4
3. Steps in post-mortem examination 16
4. Post-mortem lesions of important diseases 20
5. Writing of post-mortem report 53
6. Post-mortem changes (No lesions) 58
7. Collection, preservation and dispatch of
specimens for laboratory diagnosis